Thursday, February 3, 2011

A bright sunshiney day...

Ok, I almost had a heart attack when I got home from the hospital last night and found I had a follower that I didn't know!  Who knew someone would actually read this?!?  Oh well...onward bound & Hi Mike!

January is done & I logged a respectable 63.5 miles in the freezing cold & the big news is that I finally (FINALLY!!!) logged a monthly average pace sub 11 minutes!  Yup, an average of 10:56 minute miles.  I know, all you turtles out there are jealous ;-D.  I'm feelin' like a speed DEMON these days! lol!  Could it be that the tempo runs & intervals actually work?

The 'big storm' is finally over here in the Northeast.  The kids are back at school after the heaven of 2 consecutive snow days & I finally have a day off after 2 days of harrowing trips back and forth to the snow days for nurses...sigh.  I'm looking forward to getting outside for a nice easy run.  It's sunny, and since the schoolbus had to come down the street this morning, the road is finally plowed and the ice scraped down to a manageable surface.  Now where are those socks....


  1. Way to go on your successful month! I think the combo of logging the miles + getting those quality runs in will all come together and you'll see yourself more able to sustain those times you thought impossible before. I look back at where I was a year ago, and it is shocking the difference!

    Looking forward to keeping up with you on your journey!

  2. Your welcome! I enjoy reading about people who are starting to run. I know I was very excited when I started and it amazing how well I feel and how much more energy I have since i started.

  3. Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it :)
