Sometimes the best presents don't cost a thing, but rather come from the heart...
From Thing 2:
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Catching up...
So this is how my post-run conversation went down with Thing 1:
Thing 1: how far did you run?
Me: 10 miles
Thing 1: how long did that take you?
Me: 1 hour 49 minutes
Thing 1: what's that? Like 11 minute pace?
Me: No! It's 10:59 pace
Thing1: Oh that's MUCH better!
Children are a blessing, right????
In other news...XC is over and Thing 1 made it to Sectionals with the team. They won for the 1st time since '94.....which is before ANY of them were born. I feel old.
Thing 2 got a PR of 19:19 in JV XC in probably the most exciting XC race I have ever seen. He placed 5th for the team, (9th overall) thus scoring for the team for the first time.(XC team scoring is a complicated business, but suffice it to say that earning your 1st t-shirt is a big deal).
SD is healing after the disastrous half marathon DNF. He is on the bike and is braced, but still not up to running yet.
As for me, I am cross training like a maniac. My running miles have dropped to around 60/month but I've started spinning class (which, holy crap! Is a killer) and am doing at least 4 hour a week of core/strength training. I have also hit the pool again. I hate the shock of going swimming but i love that nice whole body tired feeling afterwards. I've also discovered the miracle of the foam roller. What a difference that has made! Wow!
My PF is still there, but I'm off the ibuprofen and my first steps of the morning are getting easier.
I have absolutely no race that I'm registered for right now, but I have several I'm considering. If you are in the Northeast, what are your favourite races in the spring?
Thing 1: how far did you run?
Me: 10 miles
Thing 1: how long did that take you?
Me: 1 hour 49 minutes
Thing 1:
Me: No!
In other news...XC is over and Thing 1 made it to Sectionals with the team. They won for the 1st time since '94.....which is before ANY of them were born. I feel old.
Thing 2 got a PR of 19:19 in JV XC in probably the most exciting XC race I have ever seen. He placed 5th for the team, (9th overall) thus scoring for the team for the first time.(XC team scoring is a complicated business, but suffice it to say that earning your 1st t-shirt is a big deal).
SD is healing after the disastrous half marathon DNF. He is on the bike and is braced, but still not up to running yet.
As for me, I am cross training like a maniac. My running miles have dropped to around 60/month but I've started spinning class (which, holy crap! Is a killer) and am doing at least 4 hour a week of core/strength training. I have also hit the pool again. I hate the shock of going swimming but i love that nice whole body tired feeling afterwards. I've also discovered the miracle of the foam roller. What a difference that has made! Wow!
My PF is still there, but I'm off the ibuprofen and my first steps of the morning are getting easier.
I have absolutely no race that I'm registered for right now, but I have several I'm considering. If you are in the Northeast, what are your favourite races in the spring?
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
A Bittersweet Day...
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Ready to run! |
Red Baron Half Marathon Race Report
2:05:02 PR.....48 second PR
Avg Pace: 9:32
13 minutes from now we would be much less happy |
Sunday dawned cold, windy & I-see-snowflakes I had to break out pants for the first time this season :( Oh well, cold is so very much better than hot! I was dressed, taped and ready to go about 2 hours before we had to leave. We finally said goodbye to the snoring lumps of teenage boys (they grunted their good wishes & promptly went back to sleep...they are clearly enjoying their coach imposed mandatory 1 week of absolutely no running). SD was running too. He has been under the weather the past couple weeks and definitely wasn't feeling 100%....but you know us runners...we registered, we're running. This was actually his goal race for the year, but he smashed his goal at the Wineglass Half with a 1:29 so he was just going to run easy, finish and earn his Wine Baron shirt for running both races.
Red Baron is a small race...well, organized as a small race though it's getting larger every year. 412 runners this year. Gun time only, no medals, a cotton t-shirt, only 4 water stations & well-intentioned, but out of their element nursing student volunteer first-aid....but what can you expect for a $20 entry fee. Plus if you have run either the Wineglass marathon or half marathon & run this race you earn a long sleeve tech shirt & become a member of the Wine Baron Club. Yup, I'm all over the shirt again this year ;) It is point to point. You start at the top of the hill on the campus of Corning Community College and run rolling hills for the first 4 miles, climb a big-ass hill that goes on forever to mile 5....then say 'weeeeeeeeeeee...' for the next 4 miles as you fly down hill to town where you finish on a flat 4 miles in the center of town, if you have anything left in your quads at that point! Although they have busing from the finish to start, we took both cars, parked one at the finish and drove the other to the start....this turned out to be the best decision we made that day.
Fun times: picking gravel out of the hand and leg |
As we lined up at the start we saw tons of people we knew. Lots of my Ragnar buddies, friends & neighbours. It really is a great community race. I wished SD luck & he moved up front and I stayed toward the middle. I did not expect to see him again until the finish line. The race started at a good pace & I was feeling good. I new the 9:09 pace I'd have to run was really pushing it for me so I knew I needed to have a strong first 5 miles & would need to 'bank' some time on the downhill. Mile 1: 9:05....aces for rolling hills. Then just as I come around the corner before the 2 mile mark I see SD standing by the side of the road. I was confused...WTF???? Then I see...he is covered in blood & limping. He rolled his ankle on something (he thinks maybe a stick) and went down hard into the gravel shoulder. I came to a dead halt. His hand was dripping blood & I can see his ankle is starting to swell up and he is in pain. I wanted to quit & help him, but he tells me help is coming and he just wants my car keys. He says he is done but he doesn't want me to quit. This all happened pretty fast. Before I know it, he's taking my keys and telling me to keep running. I reluctantly went on, but now my head is not in the game the same way. I book it to the 3 mile mark where I know our friends are waiting to cheer us on. I stopped again to tell them what happened & ask them to go back and look for SD. I felt a bit better after this as I knew they'd do everything they could to find him and help him out. Mile 2 & 3: 9:12/10:06. I was pretty sure my 2 hour goal was toast at this point but I no longer cared. Mostly all I could think was that the faster I ran, the faster this would be over.

Miles 6,7,8,9: 9:12/8:49/9:08/9:12
Somehow after L dropped off I found myself in that strange part of a race when you are running by yourself. I could see a bunch of runners up ahead, but they seemed mostly out of reach. Same for those behind me. Around 9 there was finally another water station....boy that is always a big stretch without any. I walked again with 2 cups because I knew there wouldn't be another until around 12...another big stretch. With no one to push me but myself, my pace dropped off. I actually wasn't really looking at my watch much because I felt like I was going at a decent pace. Not horrible, but not great if I wanted to PR. It got windier around mile 10 & I started to feel cold. My legs felt ok. Actually, better than ok. No knee pain, no foot pain. Just that regular tired from going 4 miles down a hill.
Check out that foot! |
So with less than a mile to go I knew I could PR if I just kept up the pace. I crossed the line at 2:05:02 which is a 48 second PR. I saw SD right away. He can barely walk & his foot does not fit in his shoe! He shows me & it is the size of an orange! So he tells me that he waited for a while for help to come to him but it didn't so he ran about half a kilometer up the road to a police car & the trooper got his first aid kit out of his trunk and cleaned him up by the time the official first aid folks arrived. I felt HORRIBLE for him! We didn't even grab anything to eat. I took the water someone handed me and we went home to assess the damage. SD experienced his first DNF ever. He says that is the worst part. He refused to go to the doctor yesterday, but today we are going. It is not broken, but he is in a lot of pain and we are going to get it checked out.
So a bittersweet day. A PR for me. A DNF for SD.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Putting It Out There...
I am lucky. I have a great husband, children, family & friends. I have a job I love....even when it frustrates & exhausts me. Even though we did sustain some damage to our house during Sandy, we still have a home when others tragically don't. I am thankful I have the opportunity to run tomorrow when others can't. So I'm going to put it on the line here. I usually keep my goals close to my chest...a quiet hope. But tomorrow I'm going for a sub-2 in the Red Baron Half Marathon. I'm running because I can....even with my bum foot, I can still run. It will not be easy...not by a longshot. When I feel tired & sore I will think of how lucky I am; how I have become strong mentally & physically. My heart aches for all those whose lives have come to a standstill in the wake of Sandy.
....& as always, I am thankful for you :)
....& as always, I am thankful for you :)
Monday, October 8, 2012
Marathon Cheater?
Have you heard the story of Kip Litton? A friend sent me a copy of this article today & I'm curious what you think? Personally, I am barely able to pull myself together after a mid-race portopotty stop, never mind orchestrate a full wardrobe change at sub-3 pace!
Amazing runner or cheater?
Is Kip Litton a Marathon Fraud? New Yorker Article
It also boggles my mind that if indeed this is true...or even true of a few races...why on earth would you bother?
Amazing runner or cheater?
Is Kip Litton a Marathon Fraud? New Yorker Article
It also boggles my mind that if indeed this is true...or even true of a few races...why on earth would you bother?
Monday, October 1, 2012
Marathon #3....Check!
31st Wineglass Marathon
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Mile 20.5 & happy again! |
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Finished: With Thing 2 |
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Who needs to buy a tattoo when you have a sharpie? |
Free Turtles...yes, please! |
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I am not the KT tape spokesperson...honest! |
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It's not a race without a picture in front of the potties! |
Swag! |
Congratulations to everyone who ran this weekend!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
3 Days to Marathon 3!!!!!
It's beginning to look a lot like a Marathon!!!!!
So excited to see these things popping up all over town! I had a great run today, I have been volunteering during my days off this week & tonight we are going to see Joan Benoit Samuelson speak!!!! I am getting EXCITED for race day!

Anyone else running this weekend?
So excited to see these things popping up all over town! I had a great run today, I have been volunteering during my days off this week & tonight we are going to see Joan Benoit Samuelson speak!!!! I am getting EXCITED for race day!

Anyone else running this weekend?
Monday, September 24, 2012
Wineglass Marathon Blogger Role Call...
Anyone out there running Wineglass this weekend?????
It's my 3rd time running a Wineglass race....1st as part of a relay team with HID & Thing 1 in 2009....I ran the middle leg. It was the longest I'd ever run. 9.1 miles seemed like FOREVER!
Last year I ran my 1st Marathon there! It pored rain, I panicked in the was still one of the most AWESOME & INCREDIBLE experiences I've ever had.
This year, Wineglass will be my 3rd Marathon. There is still a part of me that can't believe that I can do this. I am continually amazed that I can not only DO this....but even more so that I LOVE it! I remember way back when Oprah ran her marathon and thinking "well, that is one thing I know I will never be able to do". I love the new me :)
If any of you are running Wineglass too, I am excited for you. My little hometown marathon has become a pretty big thing here. I know you will have a great time!
So if you are coming, maybe we can meet for a photo before the race starts? I will be by a giant tree near the back of the pack with my hot pink socks & purple shoes....if you dare to be seen with me & my outfit, stop on by :)
Oh, and for those of you for whom my 'crazy lady' picture isn't enough laugh for you today.....I went out for an easy 5K this morning with my lululemon tutu running skirt on backwards and didn't figure out what was wrong until I was almost done! Yup, that desperate for a run after working 12 on/12off for 3 days, I just laughed and kept going!
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Team Crazy Canuck 2009 Wineglass relay |
My all time favourite 'crazy lady' running picture! |
This year, Wineglass will be my 3rd Marathon. There is still a part of me that can't believe that I can do this. I am continually amazed that I can not only DO this....but even more so that I LOVE it! I remember way back when Oprah ran her marathon and thinking "well, that is one thing I know I will never be able to do". I love the new me :)
2011 Wineglass Marathon |
So if you are coming, maybe we can meet for a photo before the race starts? I will be by a giant tree near the back of the pack with my hot pink socks & purple shoes....if you dare to be seen with me & my outfit, stop on by :)
Oh, and for those of you for whom my 'crazy lady' picture isn't enough laugh for you today.....I went out for an easy 5K this morning with my lululemon tutu running skirt on backwards and didn't figure out what was wrong until I was almost done! Yup, that desperate for a run after working 12 on/12off for 3 days, I just laughed and kept going!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Cortland Tri for the United Way Race Report
800 yard swim/14.8mile bike/5K run
Swim: 15:49
T1: 1:48
Bike: 54:53
T2: 00:27
Run: 27:14
What a Fabulous race! I had SO much fun AND I rocked it!!!!! All of it!
This is my 4th triathlon & usually I come out of the swim feeling pretty good but then it all turns to crap after this when all I hear for the entire bike leg is 'to your left' and end up at the back of the pack. It was sad & I always felt demoralized.
Saturday it was a whole different ballgame....
with HID...he rocked it too @ 1:21:40 |
The bike leg was reasonably flat. Some rolling hills but no major elevation changes. The wind, on the other hand, was pretty fierce going out the first 6 miles or so. I had strapped my Garmin to my bike so I knew I wasn't hitting all my splits, but I hoped that the wind would be in my favour on the back half of the ride. It was and I had some great mile splits on the back half of the course! The great part of the bike was that I not only held my own, but I was only passed by, I think, 4 riders and I passed about that many myself! I actually finished this leg 109/159 riders...which I am THRILLED about! My goal was to crank at 15mph pace and I ended up 16.4mph....yay me! What completely different bike experience! Who knew the bike could not suck?!?
Once again though, I didn't know what my cumulative time was, so I was not sure how I was doing at this point.
Being a clipless pedal scaredy-cat, I was already in my running shoes, so my T2 consisted of throwing my bike in the rack and dumping my helmet. 27 seconds. Enough said.
The run, I was SO happy to find out, was on the park trail (yes trail...OMG...Per-fect!). It was 2 loops, with a just one, not too bad hill at the beginning of each loop. I couldn't get my watch switched to run mode, so I just let it run in bike mode for the run. I have to say, I had a girl in pink that I had been trying to catch since she left transition onto the bike just ahead of me. I couldn't catch her on the bike and she was about 25 seconds ahead of me, but since my T2 rocked, she was maybe 20 yards ahead of me coming out onto the run course. I kept at a steady pace and slowly came up on her. As we neared the finish, I sprinted and caught her, but I went too early and she caught me at the end. I felt bummed until I saw the '22' on her calf....bwahahahahaha...girl, you almost got beat by an old lady twice your age ;-D
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Pink chick getting me, me laughing at her '22' |
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Collecting my AG award! |
3/11 in my age group
89/159 overall
I am doing this again :)
Friday, September 14, 2012
The Trail of Terror
Snakes....Why did it have to be snakes?????
Channeling my inner Indiana Jones, I ran (officially) a 24.35 mile trail race through the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon the last weekend of August (I know....I am a delinquent blogger). It was a last minute thing...happened upon an ad for the race in my works' internal weekly newsletter and thought 3 things:
1. That 24 miles wasn't much
2. I was due for a long run that convenient
3. It's close by
and most importantly....
4. I bet I can convince trail buddy to run it with me.
So, in an whirlwind of psychotic enthusiasm we sent in our race entries the Monday of the race.
What a mistake that was.
It was like Twilight Zone met Wild Kingdom.....I kid you not.
We show up to the race early due to race day packet pickup, not wanting to get caught up in lines. We are the first ones there. I suspect something is up when my race number is '3'. It turns out that the race is a field of 4. Really. Now I wonder if they are actually going to go through with the race or cancel it, but the race organizers are super excited and really want to carry on...even if it's a learning experience for next year. Okay. Then she personally highlights the route on a map, making note of the 'bushwacking' areas (wtf?) for each pair of participants (turns out it was Trail Buddy & I versus 2 guys power hiking). I am a little scared but already Trail Buddy and I are laughing and ready to 'lead the field' ;-D
And we are off. The first 1.5 miles were ok, then we hit a rocky logging road with about a 1000% grade that we could barely walk up, let alone run. It went straight up for over a mile. The first aid station was around 3.5 miles and we were happy to just be able to run again. Unfortunately, a ton of the terrain was un-runable. It was very frustrating. There were a few nice patches, but rarely more than a mile or 2 before you had to stop to walk because the grade was so steep or it was just plain unsafe underfoot to run. We had several areas where there wasn't even a trail and we were fighting our way through the forest & scrounging for walking sticks to help us up the hills. It was sad.
Then there were the bears. That's right, bears, as in plural.
The first we heard it up ahead of us. Pro's that we are, we started yelling our conversation really loudly and it took off. We did not see this one, but it sure sounded huge! The next one was smaller and up ahead of us crossing our trail. Scared this one off too. Most likely they were thinking "we better get out of here, only crazies run in these woods!"

Then we got lost. Yes, lost. Completely lost the trail. Went back a couple miles and still couldn't find the markers. We ended up orienteering out of the woods, across a stream & up a cliff to get to an access road to catch the trail again....all on the last 10% of my iphone battery. We were pretty scared for a while. We figure we added 2-3 extra miles on the course. By the time we got to the next aid station, the power hikers had caught up to us....claiming (& smirking!) that they didn't get lost. We are convinced they were lying. I was pretty thankful to be out of 'bushwacking' territory.
And then it gets better....
down a logging road, 22 miles in, within 4 or 5 miles of the finish I almost freaking run on a freaking rattlesnake! I hate snakes. You know I hate snakes. This guy was 4 feet long and as thick as my forearm...and it was stretched out across the road looking and hissing at us. There was no going back. 22 miles in, folks. We were tired. It had taken MUCH longer than either of us anticipated. We had NO cell service and no way of letting our husbands know we were going to be late....and now a rattlesnake?!? Well, it took about 10 minutes of strategizing & freaking out before we mustered the courage to throw a big branch between us and the snake and run like hell past it. I had no idea if one can outrun a rattlesnake, but luckily it did not follow.
We get to the last aid station and tell the guy about our close encounter & he says 'cool', leaves us there and jumps in his truck to see if it's still there so he can take a picture of it! We then are a little freaked about what might be underfoot as we head into another bushwacking section on the way to the finish. We finally finish, me just a couple minutes ahead of Trail Buddy & here is my claim to fame:
Yup, 1st overall. See, I knew I'd entered the Twilight Zone ;-D
But, it was for a great cause, to raise money for a very sick little I'm still glad I went. But I will never, ever run in the PA Grand Canyon again.
Next's Tri Time!!!!! Yup, tomorrow I am re-entering the realm of the triathlon. I'm hopeful there are no snakes.
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Just call me Indie ;-D |
1. That 24 miles wasn't much
2. I was due for a long run that convenient
3. It's close by
and most importantly....
4. I bet I can convince trail buddy to run it with me.
So, in an whirlwind of psychotic enthusiasm we sent in our race entries the Monday of the race.
What a mistake that was.
It was like Twilight Zone met Wild Kingdom.....I kid you not.
We show up to the race early due to race day packet pickup, not wanting to get caught up in lines. We are the first ones there. I suspect something is up when my race number is '3'. It turns out that the race is a field of 4. Really. Now I wonder if they are actually going to go through with the race or cancel it, but the race organizers are super excited and really want to carry on...even if it's a learning experience for next year. Okay. Then she personally highlights the route on a map, making note of the 'bushwacking' areas (wtf?) for each pair of participants (turns out it was Trail Buddy & I versus 2 guys power hiking). I am a little scared but already Trail Buddy and I are laughing and ready to 'lead the field' ;-D
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Trail buddy showing off her mad walking stick skills! |
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This is a 'trail'??? |
Then there were the bears. That's right, bears, as in plural.
The first we heard it up ahead of us. Pro's that we are, we started yelling our conversation really loudly and it took off. We did not see this one, but it sure sounded huge! The next one was smaller and up ahead of us crossing our trail. Scared this one off too. Most likely they were thinking "we better get out of here, only crazies run in these woods!"

Then we got lost. Yes, lost. Completely lost the trail. Went back a couple miles and still couldn't find the markers. We ended up orienteering out of the woods, across a stream & up a cliff to get to an access road to catch the trail again....all on the last 10% of my iphone battery. We were pretty scared for a while. We figure we added 2-3 extra miles on the course. By the time we got to the next aid station, the power hikers had caught up to us....claiming (& smirking!) that they didn't get lost. We are convinced they were lying. I was pretty thankful to be out of 'bushwacking' territory.
And then it gets better....
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Yes, this is real! |
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More awesome 'trail' along a cliff |
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Entrance to the PA Grand Canyon |
We get to the last aid station and tell the guy about our close encounter & he says 'cool', leaves us there and jumps in his truck to see if it's still there so he can take a picture of it! We then are a little freaked about what might be underfoot as we head into another bushwacking section on the way to the finish. We finally finish, me just a couple minutes ahead of Trail Buddy & here is my claim to fame:
Yup, 1st overall. See, I knew I'd entered the Twilight Zone ;-D
But, it was for a great cause, to raise money for a very sick little I'm still glad I went. But I will never, ever run in the PA Grand Canyon again.
Next's Tri Time!!!!! Yup, tomorrow I am re-entering the realm of the triathlon. I'm hopeful there are no snakes.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Hills, Speedwork & 2-a-days
Like most parents my life revolves around my children's running included. During the school year I still only run on my days off work, but the majority of those runs occur while they are at school. For my rare weekends off I tend to save shorter runs.
I spent all of my spring on the trails. After the ultra, school was over so it has proven impossible for trail buddy to get out during the week so I have been back on the road. It's not a bad place to be. After all, I do have a fall marathon to train for...but the transition has been more difficult than I imagined. Back on the road I am less carefree, less fun. It's not that I dont enjoy the road...I still love to get out there and run, but my mind has transitioned from time on my feet training with no numerical goals to hill repeats, Speedwork, hitting my splits, etc etc. I certainly get satisfaction from meeting those training goals and working hard, but I have come to mostly look forward to my 2-a-day workouts.
They happened by accident. Sheer luck. My sons' XC coach assigns his runners summer workout programs, but also hosts 2 group runs a week. These happily have involved the local running clubs' summer XC trail series on Wednesday nights & another night at another local trail. In order to motivate myself to do the hills and Speedwork, I schedule them as my morning workout on group run days, then reward myself with a safe trail run in the evening. I figure, I have to drive a herd of teenagers to these locations anyway, I might as well run too. I have become 'that mum that always runs too'...the kids even occasionally acknowledge me as they blow past me on the trail.
Tonight, my kids & their friends ditched the XC series because it was too hilly and decided to meet at the park for a group run. At first I was bummed, but then I realized that any run is a good run & I could run the dike and still get 5k in. Then, I still had time to blog, read my book & enjoy this beautiful evening....
Happy running!
I spent all of my spring on the trails. After the ultra, school was over so it has proven impossible for trail buddy to get out during the week so I have been back on the road. It's not a bad place to be. After all, I do have a fall marathon to train for...but the transition has been more difficult than I imagined. Back on the road I am less carefree, less fun. It's not that I dont enjoy the road...I still love to get out there and run, but my mind has transitioned from time on my feet training with no numerical goals to hill repeats, Speedwork, hitting my splits, etc etc. I certainly get satisfaction from meeting those training goals and working hard, but I have come to mostly look forward to my 2-a-day workouts.
They happened by accident. Sheer luck. My sons' XC coach assigns his runners summer workout programs, but also hosts 2 group runs a week. These happily have involved the local running clubs' summer XC trail series on Wednesday nights & another night at another local trail. In order to motivate myself to do the hills and Speedwork, I schedule them as my morning workout on group run days, then reward myself with a safe trail run in the evening. I figure, I have to drive a herd of teenagers to these locations anyway, I might as well run too. I have become 'that mum that always runs too'...the kids even occasionally acknowledge me as they blow past me on the trail.
Tonight, my kids & their friends ditched the XC series because it was too hilly and decided to meet at the park for a group run. At first I was bummed, but then I realized that any run is a good run & I could run the dike and still get 5k in. Then, I still had time to blog, read my book & enjoy this beautiful evening....
Happy running!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
So I Married A Half-Ironman!
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Signing the "Wall of Mussel" mural |
However, watching all those athletes compete at the Musselman 70.3 might have me a little tri-envious! For all the triathletes out there, if you are looking for a well-organized, fun sprint or half-iron triathlon that is located in a pretty town that is very family friendly, this is it! There is even a kids tri & a micro-tri on tricycles, which I'm told is pretty hilarious. The Sprint distance is on Saturday & the Half-Iron is on Sunday. They even have a Double-Mussel category for those masochistic enough to want to compete in both! Oh, and you can also do Aquabike in the Half-Iron distances.
Coolest medal: Re-purposed bike gears! |
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I just like this picture :) |
We then drove the course & attempted to rack SD's bike. Unfortunately we couldn't take advantage of the night before secure racking because we left the race packet back at the hotel & you had to have your bike number attached to rack your bike....D'Oh!
Carbo-load pasta dinner....the boys liked this...of course they did, they are teenagers and it involved food.
Race morning we were up at 5 and out the door pretty quickly. Things moved pretty quickly pre-race. By the time SD got transition set up and we headed over to the water to check it out, they were announcing that the water temp was 78.4F....wetsuit illegal. Well, according to the rules, you can wear a wetsuit between 78-84F (I think), but you are then not eligible for awards. It was a big decision, wet suit or no wetsuit. SD decided at the last minute, no wetsuit.
He was in the 3rd wave and had a great swim....36:31 for the 1.2 miles
T1: 3 minutes
Too bad I can't zoom this...he has a good pain face |
Rockin' the bike! |
Bike: 2:55:10.....way faster than he anticipated! Great ride, Babe!
T2: 2:25
Then it was off on the run. He looked good coming out of transition, but the sun had just come out and the humidity was hanging like a wet blanket over everyone...I was a little worried, but thankful that he at least had a hydration belt to carry him through aid stations. There were 11 aid stations on the course, that were well stocked with water, Heed, Endurolytes, food and sponges.
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Half-Iron Dad!!!! |
Total Time: 5:25:18!!!!!!! 31/110 Age Group & 153/1000
So, Yeah, he has earned the right to be known at Half-Iron Dad (HID) on this blog from now on! ;-D
Congratulations, HID! You Rock!!!!!!
.......& maybe I will think about getting back into Tri for next season...Hmmmmmm.....
Monday, July 16, 2012
Finger Lakes Fifties Race Report
Sorry for the delay...we took off on vacation race night and went completely offline for a whole week...thoroughly needed & enjoyed! And a warning...this is a long one!
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Don't let the cows out! |
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Mr Bigglesworth & me chillin' on the front step at 0415 ;) |
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We are off! |
Through the first cow pasture |
Couple of dorks on the trail blocking the path |
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Thanks Steph, for taking our picture! |
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We hoped they wold not have to be deployed for us! |
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At "The Morgue" ~ mile 20ish |
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Officially ultra @ 26.3 miles ;-D |
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Me not letting cows out! |

I was done! I was happy, relieved and exhausted all at the same time! Trail Buddy and I managed to get over to our stuff and collapsed onto the ground. We didn't even bother to get a picture standing...we asked the woman sitting beside us in a camp chair to take a picture of us.
We are Ultra Runners!!!!!!
I took my shoes and socks off. My favourite rainbow socks had holes and my feet were full of blisters. I am glad they did not bother me while I was running, but I sure as heck felt them as soon as my feet were bare....holy moly, am I glad we had aquaphor to lather them in! Trail Buddy had packed some sweat towels in ice water in our cooler and we laid back for a few minutes with our feet wrapped in the cold towels. It felt like bliss.
I cannot wait to do this again!
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33 miles, almost 10 hours, happy Ultra Chicks! |
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