Me, lulu & the socks had a nice, easy run |
It has been a rollercoaster of a week! The weather has been up and down, but today it was in the 60's!!!! I got cheated out of my last unexpected nice day by a
puking kid so today I was up and out early to take advantage of this crazy weather. Of course, I had to take my new Lululemon skirt for a spin. It is SO comfy! I love it! It was a nice loose and easy 6 miles in the spring sunshine :)
Like the weather, my runs this week have been all over the place too. Monday, I did 7 miles and felt sluggish the whole time. Seriously heavy legs....know what I mean? I could not find a bit of pep in me. Check out these splits:
Slow, slow, blah... |
Then yesterday, I had an awesome speed/tempo run! I started out slow, but then was able to crank it for 4 respectable, sweat soaked miles. Very satisfying, indeed!
Same distance, 7.5 minutes faster = Speed demon ;) |
My plan was to go to my Core class at the gym after this run, but I finished a little early so even though my legs felt a little spent, did an easy 20 minutes on the stationary bike while waiting. Unfortunately, I was somewhat misled by last weeks core class. Apparantly, not all classes are the same, and when Crazy J teaches it, it is a cardio, bodyrocking, intervals with weights frenzy that had me thinking I was in the wrong class! Too late to leave though, so I stuck with it & when I asked Crazy J what this class was called and she answered 'core', I actually stood there dumbfounded and said 'are you sure because this isn't like last week?'. To which she answers 'well, I like to do core warrior style'. Ok, I guess that means she likes to make us hurt! At least when I hauled what was left of me home after that I had EARNED the glass of wine I had last night! Mental note: don't do speedwork before Crazy J's torture class!
I still have a 20 miler on deck for Saturday....haven't gone that long since October. I am hoping that the weather is mild so I don't have to haul around 10 pounds of clothing for it too. I
WILL bring water & fuel though!
I'm constantly amazed how day by day our runs can vary! Have a great 20 on Saturday, I'll be doing the same!
I love your outfit! SO cute! Glad you had a great run and good luck on your 20-miler!
Great job on both runs and good luck on the 20 mile run! The outfit looks great!
You look so cute in that outfit! I love it. Nice runs, too...even the sluggish feeling ones are good since it means we're out there running instead of plopped on the couch...and they justify the subsequent couch-plopping. :)
TWENTY?!? Oh God. I can't imagine ever doing double what I did on Saturday, but I'm sure I will, one day.
I love that skirt! hope all goes well for the 20!!!
I think most of us have days that vary as well. Kill that 20 this weekend!!! :)
Good luck on your 20 miler! I think that you will have milder weather :)
I definitely had a half/half run the other day! The first half of our 11 miler felt great and then I had paces above 12 minutes the last two miles! Ugh!
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