Sunday, December 1, 2013

Planking Through The New Year...

Come on...I know you want to!

A friend of mine started a holiday running streak on Thanksgiving day! How awesome! I would love to do this, but I know it's just not going to happen with the hours I work. I know some of you can do the 4am run without a problem, but I just can't. Not when sometimes I do a 3 or 4 day 12 on 12 off stretches. However, I wanted to commit to doing SOMETHING each day so Plank-A-Day Challenge it is!

Today I started & decided to see what I could do. I did 1:30 & then Thing 2 made me laugh & I lost it. It's a good starting point though. I am going to try to hold it just a little longer every day & then on New Years Day I will see how long I can hold it.

There are a bunch of plans out there for beginners if you are just starting. This one looks pretty good:

Good form is important. I found this picture on Google images so I don't have to subject you to a picture of me doing this beside a pile of unfolded laundry.

If you'd like to join in, the more the merrier! And in case you were wondering, I'll be running too! Just not every day. I'm taking this "off season" to work on making my easy pace a little faster. Today I ran 7.5 at an avg pace of 9:48 (which includes the BIGA$$ mile long hill I've committed to running instead of my normal walking up it to get home).  A solid core is going to help me here!

Happy December! Let the holiday crazies begin!


Frickin' Fabulous at 40 said...

I'm in!

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Sounds like a great challenge, I find I have to read or watch TV while planking or I get bored :)

Nelly said...

haha finally someone else who has read Divergent! I read part way through Insurgent before stopping, I'm going to start up on that one soon. Then onto Allegiant. I'll let you know what I think of both Insurgent and Allegiant!

TriMOEngr said...

I thought about doing some kind of streak. I'm still figuring it out, but maybe "do something" every day is good enough. I sort of started Thanksgiving (since I ran 3.1 mi that day, walked 2 mi the next day, swam 2000 yds Sat and ran 3.25 last night and plan to run at least 2.9-3 tonight). I have also set up my bike trainer so there are no "cold, dark, wet" excuses. Good thing tonight it is still 44° though. :)

Nelly said...

Yea, I probably should have said in my blog post that all of my runs right now are done at easy pace, in order to keep healthy. If I would train for a half marathon, I would train to simply complete it without injury, not for a fast time. I've also pondered simply staying in the 5-7 mile run range and try to start getting faster at that distance, then move up to higher mileage once I solve the shorter runs without pain.

I basically do every other day runs right now only, to help stay healthy. Your advice is pretty much exactly what I'm doing right now, which is good to hear. I do mainly try to train on trail, though if I run from my house there is only asphalt for 3 of the miles at least.

Anonymous said...

What a great idsea!! Good luck with planking!!! It' tough but oh soo good for you!!

Ransick said...

I'll join you for the plank a day. I need to get back in the habit of doing them.

I've run 95% of my runs at an easy pace this year and really enjoyed it. Just running to run and get fresh aire has been fantastic. Enjoy!

Nelly said...

haha yea you are right that tax season is next up. After that, it's Coachella music festival, and then US Open tennis in August. We'll see what happens in between then!