Do you ever feel this way? I do. Even if I've gotten in a great alternate workout. Yesterday winter visited us again & I would have been happy to run outside if not for the ice. Lots of freezing rain. As much as I hate skipping a planned run, I know I'd hate a broken ankle more. So off to the gym I went & put in 47 sweaty minutes on the bike, did an awesome strength training class, then hit the pool for 1000 yards. Still I felt cheated. I really wanted to stick to my plan and have a run in there too. (and no, I could not suck up the dreadmill).
Now imagine 4 people running daily! |
Today, though, was a whole different day. It was mild (above freezing), and only lightly snowing. I had a tempo run scheduled on the marathon torture plan: 6 miles: warmup, 4x1600 @ 9:50 pace, cool-down. I felt great today, and I know part of the reason was the cross-training yesterday. Say all you like about sport-specific training but I
KNOW that all the other stuff I do is making me a stronger, faster runner. I still don't have an ab, but one day I will ;-D
This is how it played out: Warmup mile: 10:23
Tempo splits: 9:51/9:47/9:47/9:15
Cooldown: 9:46
Best of all, I felt comfortable the whole time. I was working, for sure, but it was a pace I could sustain. I think Thing 1 calls it 'threshold'. I'd have to ask him again & he'd probably roll his eyes so we'll just call it that.
On a completely different note, as I threw the 2nd load of workout gear in the washing machine this morning I realize just how completely running & sport is enmeshed into our lives. 4 people running/training sometimes twice a day (half-iron training began for SD this week) makes for a LOT of laundry! Do you know I exclusively buy the Tide sport with febreeze in it?
Must go fold....don't know why I bother....
Guess I should be happy to be the only one training right now (though daughter starts volleyball practice tonight). Awesome on your run - I can barely eek out 6 miles, much less at that kind of pace. Impressed! I think your workout at the gym was rock star worthy. Great job!
Nice run and nice cross training. The cardio definitely carries over to running as does the core strength.
I look forward to my non-running days and I know what you mean about the workout clothes. I have a second full bath upstairs and all it does is house 2 laundry drying racks for my sweaty stuff to dry out before going into the laundry!!
Drives me nuts when I can't do a planned run.... even if I did cross traing that day! Nothing beats a good run!
Good job getting the cross training in!
Nice job! I'm aiming for 9:50 pace for my next marathon, we'll see. I'm going to play it smarter this time.
And I support cross-training, I'm a triathlete after all ;)
I gave up on folding clothes. I fly through them so fast they are lucky to actually make it in the closet after being washed. Usually I just put on the clothes right out of the pile on my floor.
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