Wednesday, February 8, 2012


How often does life derail your grand running plan? Given that my job allows me the luxury of having 3 days off during the week, not too often. So when it does, it really throws me. Let's venture back to Monday, when Spring shone on upstate NY. I PURPOSELY did not leave for my run until 11:30...I wanted to run in shorts at the peak of the weather (high 50's!!!!) and do a nice slow long run. All was well until mile 2.6. When I received a call from the school nurse to come get my vomiting child. Ugh!!!! Luckily I was only a half mile from home, sprinted there, grabbed my car keys and dashed to the school. No long run in the sun for me :(. But leave it to Thing 2 to bring a smile to my face even as he lifts his head out of a garbage can and says "ugh, you couldn't change your socks before coming to get me?" With just the hint of a smile on his face ;-D

But you know, even 5K in those conditions felt like a gift. So far, this is the best running winter I've had!


Penny said...

Love those socks. That is so cute what thing said. You got to love little ones they are so honest.

Kate Geisen said...

My kids' team parents and afterschool care people are now used to seeing me come in sweaty or wearing whatever crazy, bright outfit I ran in. Bummer about the sick kiddo. :( If it makes you feel any better, I left work yesterday in lovely temps in the low 50's, and by the time I got to class an hour later it was in the high 30's, and I didn't get to run until 9:30 when it was cold AND dark. I guess what I'm saying is...I feel your pain! :)

Ransick said...

Sorry about the sick kid. That is too funny about picking him up in your colorful socks. Made me laugh :-).

Frickin' Fabulous at 40 said...

It was beautiful down here too! I was babysitting, so I put K in the stroller and went for a mile walk, even after and hour at the gym. Now there's a pretty dusting of snow on the ground but thankfully nothing to shovel!

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Love the socks! Hope your kid is feeling better. It really has been a great winter for running!

bobbi said...

This weather has been amazing. And your story details EXACTLY why I'm obsessive about having my phone with me on a run :)

Hope he's feeling better!

Jamie said...

Nice socks! The weather has been nice, but this weekend it is going to be a little bit colder (at least in Rochester). I hope your son feels better!

Coy Martinez said...

I have a pair of zebra striped knee high socks that I run in and I love them! My 12 year old daughter laughs at me but I think it makes me take myself a little less seriously! I get compliments all the time from other runners!

On the Right Track said...

Hey~ I live on Long Island...out east and you're running winter in a while!! Not running right now because I'm recovering...but hopefully soon:)

I was hooked right in with the pic of your socks!!! LOVE THEM! I have 3 kids myself and it is so sweet how they are when they are sick, huh?

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