Every of you who take the time to read and comment on my running journey makes a difference to me! You are all so supportive & awesome! You have made it all so much easier for me knowing you were all cheering for me in cyberspace :).
I have been toying with some more lofty goals for the past little while, trying to find the right balance between good insane (I know it's crazy and i don't mind the looks my co-workers give me because I love it!) and bad insane (knowing I'm going to have to force myself out the door and risk Not liking the run) and have made the wise decision (I believe) to reign in my crazy just a bit. (Don't worry, there's still plenty of uber cray cray to go around ;-))
First of all, I have decided NOT to do any triathlon this year. Honestly, it is OK, and I can do it (sprint) but I don't love it. Plus one of these days I'm going to fall off my bike and really hurt myself. I have decided to be SD's & Thing 1's cheering squad this year. They have been so supportive of me :)
Goal 1: race once a month.....January, check!
Goal 2: 1500 miles....I finished this with 1218.3...I think this is do-able (Inevitable) with the races I plan on running.
Goal 3: Spring & Fall marathons....already registered for the Goodlife Toronto Marathon on May 6th. This is the first week of training! SD will be joining me for the Half! Yay! Fall marathon is up in the air still, but I'm considering Niagara Falls International Marathon. Anyone run it? I think it would be cool to run in 2 countries in one race.
Goal 4: Here's the biggie: Run the Finger Lakes Fifties 50K race on June 30th. I will run just to finish. I think I can do this. I think I can, I think I can....
Goal 5: Just ENJOY the run. I would like to throw a couple half Mary's in there because I really just enjoy that distance, but I'm not going to kill myself to do it. If it works out as my one race a month then I'm in.
Goal 6: Stay healthy & strong. Work on the core at least twice a week.
Goal 7: When it comes to training, actually DOING the speedwork regularly...I really haven't been. At least not 'properly' according to Thing 1....since he is closing in on breaking a 5 minute mile, he probably knows what he is talking about.
Goal 8: Join the local running club & give back a bit by volunteering at a race instead of running it.
Hey I can be your virtual training buddy since goals 1,2, 3 ,5,6&7 are pretty much the same timeline wise. If I don't get into NYC the Niagra Falls marathon is on my shortlist! I joined my running club last year but I have not been that active in any other way than running races. It is time to get more active.
I will be cheering you on.
Best of luck on your goals - they look wonderful! And, happy blogiversary...I'm glad to have found yours and look forward to reading about your year!
Wow, 1500 miles! I didn't even break 1000 this year, but then I slacked when the marathon was over. Before, too, really. You're smart to try and keep balance in your running. I have a hard time with that. I enjoy speedwork...it's the tempo runs I dread. :-/
I think all those goals look pretty darn good to me! This year I'm running less and tri'ing more I guess you could say :) Fingers crossed! I can't wait to follow you along through it all tho!
You have some GREAT goals - it should be an outstanding year for you! I need to add "volunteer" to my list...thanks for reminding me :)
Great goals! I know you can accomplish them all! I also want to run in a race every month and January is a check for me too, thank you New Year's day race.
I know someone who ran the Niagara Falls International Marathon as her second marathon and she really enjoyed it. It would be fun to do that one someday, especially since it goes through two countries.
I love Goal #8! I love my local running club! Since I've been injured, it's really helped that I can still be involved by volunteering and helping out with races and events.
Happy New Year!
Happy Blogaversary! Nice solid goals too! Looking forward to following along this year.
Happy Blogaversary! WOW, you're my hero! really! I am where you were a year ago, but I haven't gotten the nerve to announce that I want to run my first full marathon yet! It's so neat to see where you are now a year later. Great goals for this year! Can't wait to read about your new adventures!
Happy Blogaversary and thanks for visiting my site! Looking forward to reading more (and cheering you on to that 1500 mile goal!)
First of all, thanks for the follow. It's great to find your blog. I love your list of goals, especially volunteer at races (I should do that too), and join a local running club. I've been too chicken to join the one at my gym, but really want to. I sure hope my knees will quit acting up so I can continue running...I love what it has done for me.
Happy anniversary! It sounds like you have a great 2012 planned.
Good luck with your goals! I think you will do great in 2012!
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